Monday, November 14, 2011

Work in Progress Critique #2

Diagram of the basic set up for my project. What is not pictured is the loop former I will need to make out of some distance and a film reel. All I need to form the loop is to splice the beginning and end together and then create tension using a grip stand.

Cell Phone video experimenting with the scale and distance/brightness of the two projectors. 

Pictures of experimenting with the project on a smaller scale. About 20 feet of film.

 I had to use a little bit of film tape when they were in position so that the structure would hold its shape better.

The next step would be to make a stencil image using Photoshop. I will then trace this image onto some acetate and stencil the image onto the film canvas with bleach. I am not quite sure how to do this on photoshop, but there are many tutorials on youtube, or if anybody wants to each me how.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Project Proposal #2

Project Proposal #2

For my second project I plan to create a canvas of film, emulsion side out, on top of a regular canvas board. I will secure the film to the canvas with push pins so that it will not move. I will use this canvas and a stencil I will create out of photoshop and acetate to stencil an image using bleach onto the film. This will cause some of the emulsion and bleach mixture to seep in between the canvas board and the film, creating an abstract painting based off of the shapes created by the stencil. I will then take the 50 feet of film off of the canvas board and project the film via a 16mm projector onto the abstract emulsion painting that was created earlier in the process. I will loop this film as to make sure that it keeps playing continuously. If possible, I wish to take a video of the film on the canvas with a light behind it and project this video on-top of the canvas board as well. My project should emphasize the different pieces of work and art that create the whole installation.